The City of St. Louis contracted KWAME to provide construction management services for a taxiway reconstruction project at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, part of a Lambert initiative to modernization the airfield and improve aircraft safety.

The contract included three projects: reconstruction of a 35-year-old taxiway, removal of a second taxiway, and reconstruction of an apron.

The PCC pavement removed for reconstruction of the 75-foot-wide taxiway is being reused on-site. The project also called for removal of a 6” bituminous layer and a 6” aggregate base, reconstruction of pavement shoulders, installation of drainage under-drains, and improvements to airfield electrical lighting. New shoulders and runway/taxiway edge lights also were installed.

For the taxiway removal project, approximately 3,300 square yards of taxiway pavement and base layers were being replaced with turf.

Reconstruction of the north apron (Lima Pad) included removal of 23,400 square feet of pavement and base, and construction of an island to eliminate potential runway incursions.

KWAME provided construction supervision and materials testing services.

Richard Bradley, PE
President, Board of Public Service
City of Saint Louis
1200 Market Street, Room 301
St. Louis, MO 63101