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Companies Don’t Build Projects. People Do.

KWAME Building Group has the capacity and capability to manage any size project, no matter how diverse the project may be.


1204 Washington Avenue, Suite 200

Saint Louis, Missouri 63103


For further information about Kwame Building Group, please contact the location nearest you:

1204 Washington Avenue, Suite 200
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103
T: 314.862.5344
F: 314.862.1855

44 Broad Street, NW Suite 600
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
T: 314.862.5344
F: 314.862.1855

100 Crescent Court, 7th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75201
T: 214.459.8311
F: 214.459.3101

7100 Fort Dent Way, Suite 100
Tukwila, WA. 98188
T: 206.948.0209
F: 314.862.1855